Thursday, January 07, 2010

I ♥ Faces

I ♥ Faces is a really neat photography blog that hosts contests of photos featuring, you guessed it -- faces! This week's contest is about incorporating their logo into a photo and you may have five photos per entry. Since I was still on vacation, I played around with some photos instead of cleaning. Here they are!

I am submitting this photo into the I Heart Faces logo photo contest. By entering, I am granting I Heart Faces LLC permission to consider my photo for use in the marketing and promotion of this website.

Go check out the other entries -- some of them are really, really good. I just took photos I liked -- not ones that were necessarily "good" in terms of photographic standards. If I actually had spare time, I'd love to work on photography a bit. Maybe next decade....
~The Lucky Ones

Sunday, January 03, 2010

And then it got cold!

Here is our second day in the snow. The first day's snow disappeared overnight and about a week later, we got some freshly fallen snow to play in. Can you tell it was a whole lot colder??

Friday, January 01, 2010

Christmas In Michigan - Snow much fun!

Pics from the kids' first day in the snow. The weather was actually pretty nice - 35 degrees, but sunny and without wind. They had a blast - especially Addison. He helped Grandpa shovel the driveway and did a pretty good job of it. Kate loved it outside, but refused to keep her mittens on. As you will see in the pics, though, it seems like she changed her mind once her hands landed in the snow....

We're Back!

Okay, so here's the deal: I got way behind on blogging and then just felt like I couldn't catch up - this is my all-or-nothing-personality rearing its ugly and unproductive head. I realized the other day, however, that I don't have to 'catch up' - I can just start posting again. Progress!

Here are a few pics from right before Christmas. More to come!